New (lower) download prices for Moogulator (and ConseQuencE!) releases


New (lower) download prices for Moogulator (and ConseQuencE!) releases

Updated all tracks and releases. they are now from 0.69 to 0.70€ each, most albums are from 6 to 9€ and there is still the CDs available at reasonable prices. the 2 most recent ones can also be ordered at or selected shops (mostly online). I found 1€ or 99 cent a bit too much these days. Also wanted to have the downloads cheaper than „hardware“ releases (all kinds). you CAN still add any sum to buying a song to support Moogulator as a Musician, but you do not have to. Most tracks fully previewable also on most releases. I added excerpts to the vinyl releases since they are not available as download atm. and: there is a new 12″ Split EP Vinyl planned to release, it’s all recorded already, so expect it somewhere in summer 2010…
