Monat: September 2011

ConseQuencE , Projects

Moogulator / Consequence Reviews

Moogulator = ConseQuence! future electro music! Eigenes Magazin "Electronic Disease" und "Gothic Press" (Liste hier) Kritiken über ConseQuence durch andere Magazine und Presse: pressetext…
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MoogulatoR , On Tour

7.10.2011, Moogulator & Eela Soley @ Wuppertaler Performance Nacht

Wuppertal, O-L-G-A Kunstraum, 22:00 Moogulator & Eela Soley, PERFORMANCE geht 20:00 los. Moogulator/Eela spielen um 22:00. Improvisation pur. Wuppertaler Performance Nacht 2011, PDF…
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MoogulatoR , On Tour

Moogulator live @ Sept 23, 2011, Bochum, Rotunde, White Line Release Party

war correspondent, Whiteline Release Party | Sept 23. Moogulator will play with these humble acts - Dirk Geiger, Pechuga De Pellodiabolo & Maicel (DJ) at the release party of the (4th) Whiteline…
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On Tour

Jams 10.9. Kunstpunkte, Düsseldorf (mit Moogulator)

SA 10.09. 14-20 UHR SO 11.09. 12-18 UHR Lesungen: Joachim Harms Axel Hippe   Tanzperformance: Bettina Boos   Freie Musik (jazzig-experimentell): Patty Stucki - Saxophon, Elektronik…
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