9.8.22 Moogulator & Numinos & Ümit Han – 22:00 Livestream LSB-TV / 674.FM
Am Dienstag dem 9.8.2022 gibt es ein Liveset von 2 Stunden von Numinos, Ümit Han und Moogulator,
frei improvisiert und neu und natürlich einzigartig.
Über den Sender von Radio 674.FM und im Rahmen von LSB-TV Cologne
Bunt, Video mit Visuals von Uli Sigg und alles live.

Der Stream ist direkt dort zu finden – auch innerhalb Facebook gibt es diesen Stream zu sehen, er bleibt dann dort auch erhalten.

Liquidskyartistcollective presentzz
#lsbTV Cologne – Episode XXXI

-Audiovisual Experimental Live Performances –
This month with a 2 hour non-stop live improvisation by the artists Moogulator, Numinios and Ümit Han. All three artists have improvised together many times in the past, usually involving at least 5 artists. We thought it was time to organize a jam again after 3 years again.
Moogulator is the founder of the internationally known German-language forum Sequencer.de and the co-founder of the magazine for synthesizers SynMag, his Britzelpop performances are legendary.
The Cologne artist Numinos has been writing the technique reviews for Groove magazine for years and teaches at the Folkswang University of Fine Arts. Apart from his journalistic and educational activities, he released a lot of compisitions, especially his album „Grains“ on the Frankfurt label Mille Plateaux last year.
Ümit Han is producer of lsb.TV together with Uli Sigg, since 2006 he released music on labels like Harthouse, Plastic City, 200 Records, Traum Schallplatten and Trapez. Since 2016 he composes ambient and experimental music. At the end of November he will release his debut single on the Cologne label Kompakt.


lsb.TV Cologne will be broadcasted live from 22 to midnight CET