Schlagwort: Winterkälte

Moogulator EA2018
MoogulatoR , On Tour

Elektroanschlag 2018 – Festival (feat. Moogulator) 5.4. – 7.4. 2018

EA2018 – Brauerei, Brauereistraße, Altenburg. EA2018  Zeit jetzt das Ticket zu besorgen – time to get your ticket now! Note: Warm-up am Donnerstag 5.4.2018 -> 19:00. Es wäre unfair das…
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MUK.E 15 Festival
MoogulatoR , On Tour

13.9.2015 MUK.E 15 – Dortmund, Esplendor Geometrico, Moogulator, Cervello Elettronico, The Hacker uva.

will be doing things with modular synthesizers - only at this event! so - just save the date -> FB Event (Hands) update: high quality pics by Carsten Stiller can be found here: Flux project…
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